FAQs: Students

13- I want to leave feedback for my teacher. How do I rate a lesson?

You are prompted to rate the lesson at the end of every 60-minute class. Once your teacher clicks the "End Lesson" button and the lesson's state changes to "Completed", an option to rate your teacher will appear in the lesson space. It looks like this: 


If you leave the lesson without rating it, you can always re-open the lesson later and you will still see the "Rate Your Lesson" screen, as shown below. And you will find the lesson in the " Completed option "

Rating a lesson includes:

1. Audio/Video rating

2. Teacher Rating

3. Lesson Rating 

4. Overall 



Note:  Comments for the teacher that will be visible on the teacher's profile

Important: if you are going to rate audio and video with less than 3 stars so please stop the rate at this time and report an issue for a bad connection instead, and once the issue resolved you can go back to the same lesson and make feedback, We made it to ensure bad connection quality won't affect teachers.

Possible reasons why you don't see the "Rate Lessons" prompt

1- Only lessons that both the teacher and student attended the lesson on Convrld's platform are able to be rated. The lesson must have started within 10 minutes of its scheduled time.

2- Your teacher never clicked "End Lesson" and/or the lesson is not in a  "Completed" state. 

IMPORTANT: Once the rating is done, you will not be able to edit it. Even if you rated Audio/Video with more than 3 stars, but finished rating without adding comments/review for the teacher, you can't go back and add it later. Please carefully fill in all reviews.